En nombre de la Sociedad Argentina de Protozoología (SAP) les damos la bienvenida al
XXVII Congreso de la Federación Latinoamericana de Parasitología (FLAP) y XII Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Protozoología, que se celebrará en Buenos Aires, Argentina, del 26 al 29 de noviembre de 2024.
Durante este evento se desarrollarán sesiones plenarias y mesas redondas, a cargo de destacados investigadores nacionales e internacionales, sobre la actualidad de las parasitosis más relevantes en Latinoamérica y el mundo. Además, se dispondrá de espacios para la presentación de trabajos libres y comunicaciones orales con especial interés en la participación de investigadores jóvenes.
En el Congreso han sido incluidos temas de actualidad como: avances en el desarrollo de vacunas contra parásitos, reposicionamiento de drogas en enfermedades desatendidas, estudio de las parasitosis en la era de las OMICs, diagnóstico y tratamiento de enfermedades parasitarias, nuevos modelos para la diseminación de parásitos, enfermedades del viajero, parásitos emergentes y reemergentes, nuevas herramientas para la educación y comunicación de la ciencia en la era postpandemia, y estrategias de Una Salud para la detección y el manejo de zoonosis, entre otros. ¡Los esperamos!
Campus Monserrat de la Universidad Argentina de la Empresa, Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
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The Innovation Summit marries CB Insights’ emerging trend research with the world's smartest minds - leading VCs. Planning is the very first step of organizing any event and Expro Events implement this stage efficiently and effectively. We always give a perfect touch to an event by finalizing a unique concept and then our specialists shape that concept into a remarkable structure.
The Innovation Summit marries CB Insights’ emerging trend research with the world's smartest minds - leading VCs. Planning is the very first step of organizing any event and Expro Events implement this stage efficiently and effectively. We always give a perfect touch to an event by finalizing a unique concept and then our specialists shape that concept into a remarkable structure.
The Innovation Summit marries CB Insights’ emerging trend research with the world's smartest minds - leading VCs. Planning is the very first step of organizing any event and Expro Events implement this stage efficiently and effectively. We always give a perfect touch to an event by finalizing a unique concept and then our specialists shape that concept into a remarkable structure.
The Innovation Summit marries CB Insights’ emerging trend research with the world's smartest minds - leading VCs. Planning is the very first step of organizing any event and Expro Events implement this stage efficiently and effectively. We always give a perfect touch to an event by finalizing a unique concept and then our specialists shape that concept into a remarkable structure.
The Innovation Summit marries CB Insights’ emerging trend research with the world's smartest minds - leading VCs. Planning is the very first step of organizing any event and Expro Events implement this stage efficiently and effectively. We always give a perfect touch to an event by finalizing a unique concept and then our specialists shape that concept into a remarkable structure.
The Innovation Summit marries CB Insights’ emerging trend research with the world's smartest minds - leading VCs. Planning is the very first step of organizing any event and Expro Events implement this stage efficiently and effectively. We always give a perfect touch to an event by finalizing a unique concept and then our specialists shape that concept into a remarkable structure.